Monday, March 3, 2008

Head on Collision

What Happens when two toddlers running full steam ahead run into each other? One gets a goose egg and one has to get 7 stitches. As you can see Alex got the stitches. It was our first experience and I have to say, it went well. Alex was very brave and he thought it was cool because the ER room had a picture of Peyton Manning! He was also glad that the stitches are blue..his favorite color.

I think the scary part is now until it completely heals. I am so afraid he is going to hit his head and it is going to open up. I just want to give a shout out to our awesome small group who all reacted well and took care of the girls while we went to the hospital! We are truly blessed with great friends!


Traci said...

Finally it's not the Nobles who are bleeding at small group!! Sorry to pass the luck on to you. I'm sorry you had to go through this. I hope he heals up OK!

Shelly said...

I guess that this just proves that Connor is hard-headed!! I hope that he heals quickly!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I'm glad he's ok! Those boys sure do have a lot of energy and it just catches up with them sometimes, huh?!

Leslie said...

oh no! bless his heart! he is one tough kid!