Wednesday, June 16, 2010


We did not pass court today. We are very saddened by this as we watch Isaac grow and change in pictures and long to have him home with us. MOWA did not have the letter written so we are going for round 3 on June 23rd.....

Please pray! We so want to have him home with us where he belongs. We are trusting the Lord and will continue to praise Him in all things!



Anonymous said...

Praying you pass next week!!!! I know how devastating failing court can be. We adopted from Ethiopia twice. We passed court on the 11th and 13th times. :( Luckly that rarely happens now that more adoptions have happened :).

Teresa said...

Oh Kelly ~ I'm so sorry...the wait is very hard I know! One thing I promise you for sure is that God has everything planned in His perfect timing and you WILL be united with your son in the exact moment God has planned:) Hang in there sweet girl...he will be home very soon:) Praying for you all!!

Hollands said...

So sorry to hear this. Praying for you today, and hoping your son comes home even sooner than expected.

Traci said...

So sorry! Praying for things to go through smoothly next week. Who exactly is MOWA and can I go beat them up for you?? Hang in there girl!

Debb said...

Praying that THIS is YOUR WEEK! The 23rd is YOUR day, I feel it! :o)

Ranch Hand said...

I'm praying for your case today. I will be praying for MOWA. I was thinking this was your 2nd go-round. Our 2nd will be in 5 days. I'm so sorry for these things to be happening, I wish there was something within our control! We have the Almighty who has spoken the world into being and set the planets into orbit. What a small thing this is to ask of Him. EXPECT that He WILL be answering these prayers.

Ranch Hand said...

I've been waiting for the results all day! Your family and MOWA has been lifted up in prayer. Our next date is the 28th. I was hoping that the results of your day would give me a little forshadowing of ours. I know that's hard to tell but it seems all of these things are going in waves.

I hope things went well.